
It all started with an idea. An idea with no name but a very clear vision.

And that’s where we came in. To create a visual identity to solidify that vision and set the foundation for the building of a new software platform that would seek to assist Local Governments, and the like, with a tool to effectively handle their growing number of assets.

Tasked with developing a new name and branding the newly created company, thebox set about workshopping options for the name. This is always one of the most challenging tasks for any brand project but with decades of experience and a few tricks on how to unearth the right name, ‘Asset Engine’ was born.

The premise of the company was about linking all the assets in a central location. A cross section between physical assets and a digital inventory that help keep track of maintenance requirements, reporting, photos, critical information and more.

With this in mind, we developed a brandmark which cleverly intertwined the A and the E into an overpass intersection. Matched with earthy natural tones, the brand speaks clearly to the bureaucratic audience and ensures a highly professional and trusted perception of the tool.

Simple yet perfectly complicated, the monogram icon provides an ideal shape for use as an app and across the various applications planned for its execution.

Following the Brand Architecture, we have continued to work with Asset Engine to develop their launch strategy through the development of a Campaign Strategy.

What We’ve Done

  • Name Creation
  • Brand Development
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